RiP - Growing your online facilitation skills
This session is managed by our partner Research in Practice. To secure your place for the training, you have to complete the registration on the RiP platform.
Designed for learning and development colleagues, these sessions aim to build capacity within your organisation by increasing your understanding of facilitation approaches and discussing how you can build facilitation skills in your organisation.
In this online workshop, we will discuss facilitation skills and approaches, how we can use online tools to facilitate effectively. We will examine how participants can find opportunities to acquire and develop facilitation skills in their work.
This session will explore:
- The similarities and differences between online and face to face learning.
- Emerging learning theories and the implications for effective facilitation.
- Developing confidence in using technology to facilitate effecting learning opportunities.
This event is part of the ‘Learn and deliver’ programme, designed to support individuals providing learning and development in organisations.